Gold leaf Electroscope

Electroscope is a device used to determine which type of charge is present on the charged body.
It is made up of two thin gold leaf connected with a conducting support place in a glass chamber so as to protect from external disturbance. Q 1 What is Electroscope?
Q 2 What are the uses of Gold leaf 
Q 3 Why Gold is preferred in 
ANS: A leaf electroscope requires a 
         minimum weight in the leaves,   
         so that the very weak force 
         exerted by practical voltages 
         will cause significant 
         Also it is very ductile so that it 
        can hammered into fine thin  
Q 4 Name the process by which 
       Electroscope can be charged.
Q 5 Explain how Electroscope can 
       be used to determined whether 
       the body is charged or not and 
       also determine the type of 
       charges present on the charged 


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