Distribution of Charges

When we give charge to any conducting body. 
firstly the whole charge is concentrated at the location where it is placed
After that the charges are redistribute itself due to repulsive force (because charges given are like by nature) in such a manner that the separation between each charges will be equal, so that the net force among the charges will be zero at equilibrium. This types of distribution over the surface of the body is called continuous charge distribution

1 Linear distribution 
Let the charge Q given to rod of length L then the charge present per unit length is Q/L

2 Surface and Volumetric Charge distribution Similarly charge per unit area Q/A and Q/V respectively
Q Why charge given to any  
  conductor lies on the outer surface 
of the body?

This blogs is developed by sandeep shukla for any query email us at shukla29021987@gmail.com or follow us at Facebook : Physics workshop Azamgarh Centre 



  1. Continuous distribution of charge in physics refers to a scenario where electric charge is spread out smoothly over a region rather than being concentrated at specific points. This distribution can be uniform or non-uniform, and it's often described using charge density, which represents the amount of charge per unit volume or unit area. Continuous distributions are essential in understanding phenomena like electric fields, Gauss's law, and capacitance, offering a more comprehensive model than discrete point charges in certain situations.


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